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Corruption again

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maybe there ought to be a QUANGO that can look into what has been going on in the press. I listened to the Johnson interview on the Today programme this morning and was frankly appalled at his approach.

During the Watergate affair the comment from Nixon was 'there must be no cover-up in the White House'. I think there is a cover-up going on. With the complicity of the courts if my understanding is correct. This is a disgrace, somebody must say enough is enough.

A very close family member of mine has an injunction aginst him preventing him from speaking in public about the war in Iraq, on the grounds that he was in breach of contract, not that he broke the Official Secrets Act, or that he threatened National Security. This country is now in an appalling state, we are all guilty, but most of all those who knew what was going on and have remained silent.

This is a country which has gone down the route of the ends justify the means, and as Jack Hawkins says in that great war film 'The Cruel Sea' 'it's the war, the bloody war'. 

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