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brilliant interview on the Today programme. Can't wait for your 'show' this lunchtime and tonight. Andrew you are shocked, I am appalled, I have been shocked for an awful long time, as many will have guessed from my comments over the last few years on various blogs. There must be no cover-up in the White House, for people to say that they did not know is not good enough, they should have known, they should have asked questions. If they did not ask questions then there is a deriliction of duty. Nobody is above the law, time for a new blog Andrew, it is time to clean out the stables, there is too much manure, the smell is turning into a stench. It is the big stink on the Thames. It is time for an election, democracy as we know it is under threat, and I am not exagerating, I thought we lived in a representative elected democracy, with a free press. I think that the Iraq war and Afghanistan are our Vietnam, our Nurembourg, the ends justify the means, we followed orders, we did not know what was being done in our name.
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