OU blog

Personal Blogs

The line goes dead

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I notice that you took my advice and started a new blog, well done Sir. I have put this comment on your previous blog but consider that it would be more appropriate to place the comment here, no listen this is important, and don't interrupt, what the line has gone dead, click, click, click, oh thank you I thought we had lost the line there but we haven't, click, click.

One can hardly fail to notice that Cameron used the form of words 'without justification' in respect of the Coulson Affair. It is another example of the ends justify the means. It is up to the law to decide if phones can be tapped, it is not up to journalists. Illegal activity is illegal activity, there must be no cover up in the White House.

If journalists listened to conversations illegally, and they find illegal activities have taken place, then they must go to the police with their evidence, only they can't, because the evidence was obtained illegally.

Complain about this comment. Now who could possibly complain about this comment, oh, is that blank head office, click, click, phone line goes dead.


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