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you are of course absolutely correct. There must an immediate inquiry into these events. Have the police been compromised as many of us think. Have government ministers been compromised, as many of us think. Have members of the royal family been compromised as many of us think. Who knows what, when did they know it, what questions were not asked which should have been. Colonel Gaddafi now meets Brown, it is a question for the Scottish courts, nothing to do with me I'm only the Prime Minister, elected in Scotland, by Scottish voters, prisoners are nothing to do with me. Sorry click, just heard it on the news. So now the PM meets with people who have the blood of innocents on his hand, a former terror state, and so it ends.

Today five coffins are being brought back from Afghanistan, because in twenty years time some Taliban leader will be in Downing Street as the Head of a country, a corrupt country, and flags will be flown, bugles sounded, and wreaths laid. What exactly is the point Brown, tell us, because what are you going to do when parliament is on holiday, an extended holiday. Every wednesday before PMQs you or your replacement whilst you are away, reads out the names of the dead, what arrangements have you made. Can we put in place something to stop your charade, if you really cared Brown you would bring the troops home now. 

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