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The trouble with Afghanistan is the Prince Harry story. 'We do bad things to bad people'. The silence of the press. The computer screen as he called up the air strike. Where is Harry now. Why is he not in Afghanistan with his men, leading from the front, if I can't be with the men then I will quit the army. The whole of our occupation was always going to be a disaster once we took our eye off the ball and went into Iraq.

I say again look at the death list of the British soldiers since 2001 in Afghanistan. How many died at the hands of the enemy until early 2005. That is the story. This is now Browns war, he is not up to the job. The soldiers sign up to serve their Queen and country, to defend their country, not to be in Afghanistan, achieving nothing, it is the old WWI song 'we're here because we're here, because we're here. because we're here because...'.

Come on Brown tell us what are you going to do every wednesday, how are we to be told of the deaths, to keep the bombers off the streets of Britain, I hope that you have a great holiday, go off with the wife and children and have a great time, probably with your American friends, maybe you could give a knighthood to your buddy Obama, mind you he hasn't driven off a bridge leaving behind the body of a young woman. Now that deserves a knighthood does it not Gordon.

We can't afford the war in Afghanistan, we know it, you know it, sending eighteen year old boys to their deaths, how can you sleep at night, please end this now. These are sad days, this is lions led by donkeys. This is totally unacceptable, it is time for this to end. The Americans will do there best for a year, maybe eighteen months at most. Obama will have the troops home by the next Presidential elections, he will not stand for re-election with the Americans in Afghanistan, and what will Britain do then. Consider this. Did we boycott the Moscow Olympic games because of the Russian invasion of Afghanistan, well revenge is best tasted cold. 

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