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whilst the Prime Minister is on holiday with the rest of the MPs how is he going to read out the names of the dead in Afghanistan. Everywednesday at PMQs he reads out the names, what is he going to do whilst meeting the likes of Colonel Gaddafi.

I'll tell you what I want to see and hear. I want Brown to announce a formal statement to the nation, not on Youtube but all the national TV and radio stations. At a given time, say just before the ten o'clock news. In this broadcast he can tell us what he is going to do about Afghanistan, how we got into this mess, but how we are to get out of it.

But I do not want him alone, I want the leaders of the two other major political parties to be included, this is about our nation, our young men fighting in our name, so get the politics out of it. They must all sign up to this, if they don't then they must explain why not. There must be no division, this is all or nothing. If they don't do this then they might as well come out now, admit our errors, hold an inquiry, but get us out of this hell hole. We know what happened to the USSR because of Afghanistan, don't ever think that this could not happen here. It is Harry 'we do bad things to bad people', only the Afghanistan people are not bad people, when will the powers that be realise that 'we are the bad peope'.

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