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it is now becoming more apparent why the British and Americans want to focus on Afghanistan. The problems of the Bush Administration and its Extra-Ordinary Rendition and Enhanced Interrogation Techniques will not go away. Little publicity has been given to the statement in the Commons by David Davis but look at what is happening with regard with the new Attorney General in the States.

Let me hypothysise if I may. Trouble at mill with these investigations, lets attack in Afghanistan, we had to do what we did in Iraq because well, these guys are terrorists, and foreign, so lets torture them or send them to Cuba, or to a former Eastern block country where they know how to deal with these people. Oh dear, people are asking questions about what we did, well let's attack again in Afghanistan, you know get some of our soldiers killed so that we can shed some crocodile tears and get at those bleeding hearts who think that we are wrong, a few burials, you know flights filmed for TV, a few speeches, sad loss, deep regrets, bit of compensation, hard fighting that sort of stuff, hey the soldiers would only be stacking shelves, they really ought to be grateful to us for taking them to a great place, lots of sun, bit of dust and the odd roadside bomb, but they would only be holidaying in Ibiza.

No, read the press in America:

Independent’s Day
Obama doesn't want to look back, but Attorney General Eric Holder may probe Bush-era torture anyway.

By Daniel Klaidman | NEWSWEEK
Published Jul 11, 2009

It's the morning after Independence Day, and Eric Holder Jr. is feeling the weight of history. The night before, he'd stood on the roof of the White House alongside the president of the United States, leaning over a railing to watch fireworks burst over the Mall, the monuments to Lincoln and Washington aglow at either end. "I was so struck by the fact that for the first time in history an African-American was presiding over this celebration of what our nation is all about," he says. Now, sitting at his kitchen table in jeans and a gray polo shirt, as his 11-year-old son, Buddy, dashes in and out of the room, Holder is reflecting on his own role. He doesn't dwell on the fact that he's the country's first black attorney general. He is focused instead on the tension that the best of his predecessors have confronted: how does one faithfully serve both the law and the president?

Alone among cabinet officers, attorneys general are partisan appointees expected to rise above partisanship. All struggle to find a happy medium between loyalty and independence. Few succeed. At one extreme looms Alberto Gonzales, who allowed the Justice Department to be run like Tammany Hall. At the other is Janet Reno, whose righteousness and folksy eccentricities marginalized her within the Clinton administration. Lean too far one way and you corrupt the office, too far the other way and you render yourself impotent. Mindful of history, Holder is trying to get the balance right. "You have the responsibility of enforcing the nation's laws, and you have to be seen as neutral, detached, and nonpartisan in that effort," Holder says. "But the reality of being A.G. is that I'm also part of the president's team. I want the president to succeed; I campaigned for him. I share his world view and values."

These are not just the philosophical musings of a new attorney general. Holder, 58, may be on the verge of asserting his independence in a profound way. Four knowledgeable sources tell NEWSWEEK that he is now leaning toward appointing a prosecutor to investigate the Bush administration's brutal interrogation practices, something the president has been reluctant to do. While no final decision has been made, an announcement could come in a matter of weeks, say these sources, who decline to be identified discussing a sensitive law-enforcement matter. Such a decision would roil the country, would likely plunge Washington into a new round of partisan warfare, and could even imperil Obama's domestic priorities, including health care and energy reform. Holder knows all this, and he has been wrestling with the question for months. "I hope that whatever decision I make would not have a negative impact on the president's agenda," he says. "But that can't be a part of my decision

There is just so much Andrew that we don't get to hear about. Bush, Blair, and Brown should be indicted because of what I think they have done and are doing. And if Obama is not very careful he will be going down with them.

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