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so now we are being told that we are in Afghanistan so that the Afghan government can run the country, so that the Afghan police and army can defend their country etc...so this sounds a bit to me like when the Germans allowed Vichy France to be a government during the German occupation.

What I want to know is that so far we are told there are tens of thousands trained Afghan police and soldiers and that we are training some more. So how many of the Afghan army have fought with the British and Americans in this latest offensive, how many of these well trained well armed soldiers have fought and died. A list please, how many, surely records are being kept.

Why no prisoners being taken, why no trials of those accused of being terrorists. I have just heard the obnoxious comment by Brown that this is now a patriotic duty to keep the terrorists off our streets, I mean has it really come to this 'a patriotic duty'. Look at the equipment that we saw the Iraq army parade after our ignominous retreat, they have better equipment than our boys have. It is not about helicopters, it is not even about soldiers in Afghanistan any more. Ask yourself apparently we have about 8,000 soldiers in Afghanistan, how many of these military personnel are actually what we could call 'front line troops', not many I bet. Do you think we have this number of soldiers fighting the Taliban, please get real.

I can't believe Brown any more, he is to me a fraud, with his deep sensorous voice telling us about deep regret, sad loss, all the platitudes. He makes me so angry. Exactly when did Brown get elected as Prime Minister, just how democratic is our society, not at all corrupt of course are we, no vote rigging, no MPs on the gravy train, no journalists illegally tapping phones, no 'we do bad things to bad people'. I could go on but you get my drift, hey let's just all shut-up and let the bankers with their massive bonuses run the country, now that surely won't happen.


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