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Patriotic Duty

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I watched the BBC film this evening Mississippi Burning. May I recomment others watch it if they can because it typifies actually what is happening in Afghanistan and the Aghan people who will have to live in that country after we have left, which we will do, eventually. Then the revenge squads go in. The people who 'collaborated' will suffer, those who took aid, or allowed a member of the family to join the security forces, or who interpreted for the occupiers.

Brown actually is right. He must not reinforce defeat, there must be no more British soldiers sent to Afghanistan. Nowhere in the world do I know of any 'state' which has succesfully been given democracy. The people have to fight and die for their democracy. They cannot be given democracy at the point of a gun, it is something you are willing to die for.

Nobody should be left under any illusion, we have lost in Afghanistan, just as we have in Iraq. It has been such a terrible waste. Contrary to any opinion polls I do not think that we can accept these losses for much longer, the young men now dying in Afghanisatn are not fighting any more for us, they are doing it for their mates, their pals, their buddies, they do not give a fig for us, I think it is all about survival, and long friendships. They have been deserted by us, this is not about patriotism, this is about the politicians, with their flags, bugles, drums and parades. Keep the people in their place, give them a parade, only trouble is the Afghans and the Iraqis have their heroes, their flags, their parades.

During the Vietnam war I used to go along with the garbage about the Domino Effect, once one falls they will all fall. Now the American veterans go back to look at the battle sites, to see the tunnels, the damage done by agent orange. How many Afghan soldiers have died in these latest offensives, nobody knows and nobody seems to care. That is why this occipation will end, nobody really cares. If they did they would not allow it to continue. Eighteen year old boys Brown, that is your legacy, and the women and children. Enjoy your holiday won't you, it is after all your patriotic duty. I want to be sick, instead I shed a tear, and I am so glad that it is not my son that has his name read out by you Brown, because I would spit in your face, 'we do bad things to bad people' well our boys are not bad people Brown, they follow orders, they do as they are ordered, for the honour of their regiment, and for their mates, not for the 'honourable' members who seem more interested in their own expenses than equipping an army.

Consider this, we spend a couple of million on a new helicopter, send it to Afghanistan, where some freedom fighter has the gall to bring it down with small arms fire or an RPG. How on earth will the politicians explain that away to the accountants. Don't waste money on equipment, we can lose some young eighteen year olds, they are so much cheaper, and we haven't wasted so much money on their training, as would be wasted on some equipment. I think that this war does not have public support, there are are lies, damned lies, and statistics. You can fool some of the people some of the time, you can fool all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time. Remember that when Brown speaks, we've lost, bring them home.

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