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What is the point

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we have our brave soldiers in Afghanistan, young men, dying. At the same time we have the public inquiry into the shocking death of Mr Mousa in Iraq. We have the truth beginning to come out from America about Dick Cheney and enhanced interrogation techniques. We have the American Attorney General looking into rendition and torture.

We have a serious problem. When a country goes to war it does not happen spontaneously, it takes years, almost decades of planning, of equipping an army, of training the forces. None of this has happened with regard to Afghanistan. In WWI the English had built up a massive Navy, Germany had done the same, the war was going to be European land war with England putting up a blockade, just like a blockade had worked in the American Civil War. Look into the history of Churchill. So the English built up the navy, it gave employment to the shipbuilders, to young men serving in the Navy. What happened, all this investment was wasted because those naughty German fought a dirty war with those submarines.

There is not exit from Afghanistan. Think of it as a mincer, the 'enemy' are quite happy for our soldiers to go and fight in their 'country'. We can have a good fight, we can be patriots, we can go to heaven, the enemy are quite happy. It is better to fight on the ground of Afghanistan than on the green fields of England. This is pathetic. We won, we have now lost, we should not be in Afghanistan, America will pull out by the next Presidential election, trust me, so why on earth are we there. Please Brown, tell us why we are there, oh that's right for Queen and Country, please!

Brown is a disgrace, he will read out the names on Wednesday, again. In the meantime instructions will go out in Afghanistan, we can't have any more deaths. Protect your men better, don't let any more die, I get sad every week continually having to read out the names. Please, I don't want to have to read out all the names, what if we lose a hundred men, what am I going to do then. We've lost because of lack of leadership, everybody needs a point, a purpose, if you are going to die for your country then there has to have been a point, otherwise we are no different to all other armies of occupation, we're here because we're here because we're here because...

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