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just listened to the non answers from the Minister with regard to the number of Chinook helicopters now operating in Afghanistan. He said he would not give the answer because the government never refers to operational details. Well on that basis why are we even being told about the deaths, why the details every week, surely this is assisting the morale of the enemy. This is a disgrace, Rammell only believes something he does not know. Helicopter numbers increased by 60%.

Andrew, the enemy know how many we have got, as you say they just look at the numbers, they have spies everywhere. Ten billion pounds on new equipment, a balance, an absolutely ruthless enemy. An enemy who are fighting for their homeland.

We are having all this going on, and what happens next week, the MPs go on holiday, yes off to the sun, to think of ways of handling the upcoming election. This wednesday is the last week that there will be PMQs until MPs return on the 12th October. What on earth are you going to do when there is a death Brown, just what are you going to do. Progress is being made, it is the media, what would the situation be if we were not in Afghanistan. As for terror on the streets remind me about Dr Kelly, remind me about Mr Tomlinson, remind me about the Brazilian Mr de Menezes, remind me about Weapons of Mass Destruction, remind me where does bin Laden come from, educated, oh that's right Saudi Arabia.

Finally, the government in Afghanisatn is no different to that of Zimbabwe, corrupt and bankrupt, so why are our troops not fighting to preserve the governmnet in Zimambwe, that's right they are not fit to govern, same as Afghanistan. They are passing laws to get the votes from the war lords. Many accuse the BNP in this country of being fascist, well I would strongly assert that the government in Afghanistan is both fascist and mysogonistic, the facts are there for all to see. That's why our boys are dying, for a failed 'state' which is not and never will be a state.

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