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I think that you will find that a lot of the planning for 9/11 actually took place in America. Don't forget the flying clubs where they learnt to fly. How long were the people who took over the planes in America prior to the atrocity, who funded them, where is bin Laden from, where were the people who took over the planes from, were they Afghan nationals or were they Saudi? Why were certain Saudi nationals spirited out of the states on the evening of 9/11.

As for Ainsworth in his statement to the House he referred to forces meeting heavy resistance, accordingly he is admitting that the so called insurgents are in fact resistance fighters, they want the occupiers out.

As for Reid, he was demanding corrections about what he did or did not say about shots being fired, this is pathetic if people are going to be so concerned about what they did or did not say years ago.

When will they admit that we have lost the battle for hearts and minds. We lost that battle with extra-ordinary rendition, enhanced interrogation techniques, killing women and children in indiscriminate bombing raids, not protecting the local population from suicide bombers, but what is worst is actually supporting a corrupt and criminal government. Does anybody actually think that the elections in Afghanistan in August will actually be fair, I mean all we have to do is to look at Iran, yes we are going forward alright, we are advancing on all fronts, sorry that was the Somme, click, and I am not being unpatriotic neither am I or anybody who holds the same views as myself beneath contempt.

Finally, did you know that Afghan tax revenues doubled last year, is that because they have brought in PAYE. So we are doing some good after all.

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