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I'll tell you something about our politicians . Every wednesday it would seem that Brown reads out the names of the dead, he did it yesterday so will he do it again on Wednesday before PMQs.

In the meantime they tell us how important this is, that it is a war worth fighting because it keeps the terrorists off the streets of Britain. Is this the same streets where Mr de Menezes was shot and killed with illegal dum dum bullets. Is this the same streets where Mr Tomlinson was pushed over, and subsequently died.

I'll tell you what. The people of Wootton Bassett should not stand by and watch the dead soldiers go past. No, parliament should abandon the Commons for a day, go to Wootton Basset and look at the dead soldiers. The mutilated bodies of somebody blown apart by a roadside bomb. That would end this war. Get the politicians to open the coffins, look at what has resulted from their decisions.

It is alright for the generals to tell us that this is important, the same generals who will soon retire to write their books. Who only come out when it is too late, when they already have their pensions all lined up.

This all started to go wrong when Harry went to Afghanistan with his stupid cap, 'we do bad things to bad people' I mean how would you react if the grandson of the Queen came to your country and sat at a computer calling up an air strike. Now that is terror. State sponsored terror.

I am angry alright. It is fine for the MoD from behind their desks to say that this mission is really important. The only thing it is important for is their careers, their pensions, their own self importance.

This is not a war worth fighting for. Where are the Aghan soldiers, why aren't they in the front line, after all it is their country. They are nowhere, they have a corrupt homophobic, mysoginistic, fascist government. Is that what our boys are dying for.

If you don't beleive me then consider this. A tribal war lord will say to Karzaii, if you want my vote in August, and the 50,000 voters who will do exactly as I tell them then pass a law about women, pay me to be a member of your government. This is shameful. We are an occupying force in a country which is not and never will be a state, not as we know it anyway. So, where is bin Laden, still in his cave watching the death toll mount, is he an Afghan? No he is a Saudi, why have we not invaded Saudi arabia?

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