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The dead

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let's do away with men, but how to do it. Today the soldiers who died in Afghanistan are coming 'home' to Wootton Bassett. I'll tell you what the politicians should leave parliament. They should go to the homecoming, they should be forced to look at the bodies, the bodies of young men blown apart by roadside bombs. The politicians have blood on their hands. Get them to see the bodies, the war will soon be over, get the politicians wives, husbands and children to look at the bodies. Now that will end this war. This is a disgrace, it is not about keeping terror off the streets of Britain. It is about wasting the lives of young men, how on earth can we do away with men, there won't be any weeping mothers 'greeting' the men home in body bags. Am I angry, yes! TAG And this is not all funny.
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