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The war

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I have requested via the Number 10 petitions site for an inquiry into the situation in Afghanistan, and I will tell you why.

It all goes back to WWI. How on earth did Europe end up in the first global war. One minute there was almost mutiny in Ireland, the government of the day thought that there was trouble brewing, the next minute almost we are at war. There was no Treaty which got us there, there may have been agreements but no treaty as there was with say Poland in WWII. It was based on those nasty Germans invading Belgium, only trouble is that any serious historian would see that the French were also up to their tricks, Luxumbourg, little Luxembourg had gone but we went in because of Belgium.

Now then, consider this. Europe soon realised that the Great War was an awful mistake and that they had better bring out documents to show how on earth they had got into this situation. Books were published justifying the actions of the governments.

So here is a list:

The French Yellow Book
The Belgian Grey Book
The German White Book
The Russian Orange Book
The Serbian Blue Book
The British Documents on the Origin of the War

Some of these were hot off the press almost as soon as the war started because they had to show that everything that could be done had been done to prevent this terrible war, with the massive loss of life in the early days.

Then it almost stopped. The soldiers just sat in their trenches. They just sat there. So the politicians would then tell the generals plan an offensive, we've got all these soldiers, we've got these things called tanks, we've spent on arms for the soldiers, they've got the bullets, and the shells. We've spent all this money on the navy, all we've had is the battle of Jutland, and now those nasty Germans won't come out and fight, so that was a waste, because we've got huge battle squadrons and they use those submarines and all we see is our ships being sent to the bottom of the sea with the loss of those sailors.

Now before I continue just listened to General Dannet on the Today programme. The push, the pool of helicopters, the new buzz word. There is a pool of equipment and so we've flown to this forward base in an American helicopter. Hey when I went worked in a bank in the City we had pool cars, so that if yours was in the garage with a mechanical problem, then we could use a pool car, so it's ok. We've got no helicopters so we will use the American one, how much does it cost for a British General, who is soon to retire by the way, to be flown in an American Black-Hawk helicopter with imbedded British journalist.

Now then there is a formal document which exists where we have an agreement with the Afghan government, after all we were apparently invited in by the government, so no government invites in people without an agreement, a formal document signed by the relevant authority. This agreement must come into the public domain. It will explain what we can and cannot do, whose orders do our soldiers follow.

So as I have hinted at before Dannet is soon to retire, how has he allowed this situation to deteriorate, why has he kept silent until now. Why was the journalist who was with Dannet told on air that you are following your brief very well. I got the impression that Sarah Montague had been given the questions for Dannet to answer only she went outside that, brilliant, and on air.

Why no more deaths, suddenly it has gone quiet. We've had the funerals. So with the push why no more. I think that orders have gone out from Number 10, I will not want to read out the names of the dead on wednesdays while I am on holiday. I need a break, so please tell the troops on the ground that be careful, in fact don't do anything, fire a few shots, have a word with the war lord, oh we're here for the day just so those folk at home can see some of the action, but then back to base.

This is the last PMQs before the holidays, so I want us to have a good break, so anybody dies I don't want to know until after wednesdays PMQs. I won't read out any more names.

Call me a cynic but there is no point in our occupation any more. We've lost. As Dannet leaves so should the British. We've lost, Obama will announce the end of American involvement before the next election. Brown is just leaving it to our next administration to sort it out. He's gutless, the most shameful PM this country has ever had. As for parliament, nothing more can be said, go on off on your holidays. Why did none of you attend the funerals, why send Prince Edward, who flunked it in the marines, rather than William, or Harry of 'we do bad things to bad people'.

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