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how is that the Americans can get their Chinooks into Afghanistan so quickly. I hope that you will keep your blog open whilst the politicians are on holiday, even though Ming picked-up on my point that it may be necessary for parliament to be recalled.

This is not about helicopters, it is what is the point. The Americans, again as I have noted before will be out of Afghanistan by the next presidential election. as soon as the British people understand that then the sooner we will be out. It is not about our national security, it is not about keeping terror off the streets of Britain, there is no point any more, other than to capture bin Laden, execute him, and then it will all be over.

Please keep your blog open Andrew, you are the way in the which many of us can keep Brown from setting the agenda. He will regret this long holiday, I, and others am going to run rings around him. He has made comments in PMQs about Afghan soldiers on the ground, why is he only now talking to Karzai, why not talk to Karzai before the offensive. Why were the Afghans not ordered to participate fully. Why does Brown talk in percentages, rather than numbers. Why were Afghan soldiers not involved in the offensive, Panthers Claw.

As for Gen Sir Mike Jackson, please, another failed General. As for Hutton on your show I thought his 'performance' was disgraceful again. I will not divulge confidential conversations, blah blah blah, so why was he on your show.

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