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when we listen to General Sir Mike Jackson he is retired and now is involved in the supply of contractors to the war zones.

Dannet is retiring so why has he stayed silent, to protect his pension?

Hutton, flunked it as Defence Secretary, resigned. I wonder what jobs he will take when he leaves parliament.

A family member of mine was silenced over the Iraq war by the High Court on breach of contract. How is that Brown can selectively quote soldiers, surely there must be no quotes from any army member because of more than one issue, undermining morale, not only of the soldiers but also people at home, breach of contract which soldiers now have to sign if they join Special Forces, and surely the Official secrets Act. If Brown is going to start the issue of patriotism, then it is surely an act of treason to give succour and encouragement to the enemy, and surely, and this is an issue which the PM has brought up, the problem of the enemy within because he contuinually makes reference to terror camps in Pakistan, yet how many people of Pakistani origin now live in this country. Brown is a disgrace, when there is the attack on any Pakistani in this country, then Brown will the one to blame. He is stirring up a hornets nest, and he is a disgrace.

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