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how weird was that. You had John Pienaar on your programme doing his peace piece and what does he mention? Dover #92. This is getting seriously weird, no, now don't deal with this is the usual manner, this is click, click serious, honest.

I do hope that some way can be found to keep your blog going during the MPs holiday. There are no other outlets for the serious, yes I know, contributor to the political debates, and what am I for one going to do during the summer holidays, what with the weather down here in the westcountry being so appalling.

Let me tell you this. The unemployment figures do not tell the whole story. For example, there are many now losing their jobs, both men and women who will not be signing on. They will get the pensioners credit which will bring their income far above any unemployment benefit. the same with the long term sick, they will start getting this pensioners credit as well, which will also keep them off the figures, and leave them to their fate.

What many people do not understand is that many couples do not live together for most of the day. Either of the couple are at work, so when they retire the problems of two people living together 24/7 becomes intolerable. There is also the care of an older parent. Many women for example have had the children, brought them up, and now want to have a life, only they are now expected to look after either an elderly mother or father. Also they wanted to enjoy their retirement, trouble is that the person they married no longer is as fit as they were, they just want to have a rest, only it doesn't work.

For many couples it is coming to pay back time, I've looked after the kids and the home, now I want my bit, only now that they are together 24/7 their is no hope, they don't even like each other any more, he farts and snores, and she has a leaking bladder and sagging breasts. I am not talking here about Itchy and Scratchy either. If the government actually thinks that they can handle global warming, climate change or wind farms then they are due for a serious wake up call. Andrew, you actually touched on this with your show tonight, we are going to get the VW Camper, just go, just travel and see what happens. We were not all dope heads in the sixties, but we may well become one now that we are the sixties.

Lock and load guys, it's time to party. Brown is doing scorched earth, well I can handle a post apocalyptic Britain, but how many others will?

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