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The End

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can I tell you that I am actually beginning to feel sorry for Gordon Brown, and I'll tell you why.

Firstly, let us never forget that it was Blair who got Britain into the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. Now Brown had to go along with them because he was Cahancellor and paid for them, if he did not support Blair and the wars then he would have had to resign. He did not, he funded the wars and let nobody ever dare forget that fact, not fiction.

Then Blair says that he will serve a full term when a general election was to be held. That again is fact and not fiction. Now during Blairs fourth term it would be expected that Iraq would end, and Aghanistan was sorted already, so no wars for Brown to sort out when he eventually led the country. Which he expected to do because labour was bribing so many of the people to vote for them that they could not lose to those nasty conservatives.

Then Blair chickened out and fell on his sword too early, he cracked and fled the scene. So, Brown takes over. He should have stood for election, he should have called an election and he would have won. Only trouble is that he bottled it, why nobody will ever know what went on in Brown's head, but he didn't show leadership, he had craved power, he had done it without Mandelson, he was master of all he surveyed.

Now we are where we are. He has a general who is due to retire next month, somebody who also took over from a general who retired and who is now employed in the private sector. So he has a general who suddenly starts bleating that he needs more soldiers, more equipment, more of everything. Trouble is he is retiring, what does the next general want, he will want everything, yet Brown now what he is being told, 'never reinforce defeat', 'we are the problem and never the solution', 'you will never win hearts and minds because you are a force of occupation', but worst of all, your major ally has learnt from history that colonialism doesn't work, that it was the French who got America into Vietnam, and now they have learnt that there was a reason why nobody had ever 'won' in Afghanistan. America will go, just leave, so, now it is a disaster.

This is a disaster, why has Dannet waited until the month before he retires to 'go public', why has this gone so wrong, money was going to be spent on training the Afganistan National Army and the police, where are the brave soldiers who fought in Iraq and brought us 'victory' in Iraq, yes that right they have joined the contractors, the mercenaries by any other name.

In the past Britain has trained the Doctors, only for them to go private, we trained the nurses, who then went private, we trained the teachers, who then went private, we trained the engineers and scientists, who then went and emigrated and took the money from richer states, remember 'the brain drain' we had ships built which gave employment to the shipbuilders, ships which were promptly sunk with massive loss of life, so eventually the Navy was a failure, then there were the airmen, who were to take the Vulcan bombers with nuclear weapons in a nuclear war, only nobody would use them. Huge expense, wasted money apprentices who were trained who then left for Australia, New Zealand, America, South Africa etc...and who has inherited all this? Gordon Brown, he has been left holding the parcel, the end of Empire, Suez has come home to roost.

Actually, I don't feel sorry for Brown at all, he is the final man holding a parcel which started way back, over a hundred years ago, with a liberal government with a conscience, a liberal party took us in to WWI, the greatest disaster inflicted by a country on its own people, and now, Afghanistan. Our end of Empire, the Americans, the Russians, the Chinese, the Japanese, the Germans, must all be laughing as we look at our war memorials with the names of our dead fighting wars all over the globe, and for what, for this, the End. It is a story of waste and hubris, and Blair (a scot) wants to be President of Europe. Please! 

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