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MPs expenses

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I have just looked up the expenses for my local MP, Ben Bradshaw.

It shows that for his last claim he has paid in interest, interest only, GBP15,108.93. Now I have to ask with interest payments of that size, who is it wih, which financial institution is the mortgage with, what is the actual size of the mortgage, and when is repayment due.

I'll tell you why I ask, because surely my MP may well lose his job, he is both an MP and a minister, so how does he propose to repay his mortgage if he suddenly leaves office, which is possible by this time next year.

So, I think all MPs should make a declaration, how big is the mortgage, who is it with , and how is it to be repaid. Now if I had to apply for a mortgage, then I would be asked what are your prospects, how do you propose to repay your mortgage, are you going to pay it down, or what is the expected inheritance, things of that type. Remember, the MPs switched out of Equitable Life just before it's collapse afterthe Court Ruling about guarantees, so come on MPs I don't think your emplyment prospects are very good at all, time to come clean.

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