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The Generals

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I now hear that there are reports on the BBC of a dead soldier today. Killed by a roadside bomb, but how many injured. What progress is being made on the front line. How will Brown announce this death, will he go to parliament and announce it this morning, if he doesn't then he is treating the death of this soldier less than the previous ones, it was noted that he did not read out the names of the dead on wednesday before PMQs. What is going to be the process during the MPs summer holidays. We need to know, it is our mission, it is our war, end the occupation of Afghanistan, where are the Afghan soldiers and police which we are meant to have trained, come on Dannett where are they. The only thing which Dannett should have on his shopping list is the coffins for the dead soldiers, he's alright, he's retiring.

A question for Dannett, what is your pension going to be General, why have you not spoken out before now, and what are your plans for your retirement. I know that this is harsh, but I think that these questions are on the lips of many people. A family member of mine has an injunction preventing him from speaking out in public, why does this not apply to other army members, and current ones. I consider that the nations morale is being undermined, that the politicians are playing with our soldiers lives, bring them home, every life lost is sadly a wasted life. It is the politicians not the armed forces who have lost, the military do as they are ordered, they serve their Queen and country, not the commons.


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