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The Army

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for some time now I have been referring to the compensation culture of the army. I have just been on the internet this morning and now find that the MoD do not trust the soldiers. Apparently the MoD police have been investigating 284 compensation claims and have 'saved' several million pounds by either having the claims repudiated or greatly reduced. Is this the equivalent of WWI soldiers shooting themselves in the foot to get away from the front line.

So, what we now have is the media being fed stories about our brave soldiers fighting great battles and advancing in their mission, whilst the MoD is making sure that none of the same soldiers is making fraudulent claims for compensation, more or less treating them as skiving criminals. The MoD also seem to be spending huge sums on putting back togather two damaged helicopters to make one fit for duty.

So, what is going on, are our soldiers the best, or they cheats. Are they the best or have they been involved in extra-ordinary rendition and enhanced interrogation techniques. Are they the best or has at least one Flight Lieutenant been discharged disnonourably from the services for refusing orders. Are they the best or how many actually went AWOL during the Iraq conflict. Are they the best or have their been investigations into the over egging of acts of heroism to get medals. Are they the best or have some soldiers been found guilty of bringing home some of the money which should have been paid to the locals to keep them quiet. Are they the best or have the courts decided that the case against six Special ForcesĀ  personnel should be held behind closed doors.

All is not well in the army, there are so many who are entitled to compensation who have been dis-suaded from action for fear of being constantly under surveillance to make sure that we are not being defrauded. That would seem to be what the huge number of personnel at the MoD seem to be doing, surely not fighting. The inquiry into Iraq must be extended to Afghanistan, this is getting to be a very dirty war

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