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Wagon Train

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I would have had more faith in John Hutton if he had not waited until resiging before coming out. He was the minister in charge of all this. If he had the guts of our soldiers then he would have said publicly what the options were and then if Brown made the wrong decision then he should have resigned at the time, and explained to the public why. That would have taken real courage. I am getting so angry with people who are saying at the point where they are to leave the job, having secured their pensions that they disagreed with the policy, ot that the army is not being funded, and equippped properly.

Now some may or may not know of a family member of mine who did start talking, who told the truth as he saw it. What happens, he spoke at rallies, he spoke about lies and decets, and illegal wars, illegal activities. What happens, as Hutton explained to parliament in February of this year, some of his predessors in the job had not given parliament the full truth about detainees in Iraq. In the meantime my family member has a High Court injunction preventing him from speaking in public because he was in breach of contract. Freedom of speech, honour, the truth. We have lost in Afghanistan, despite what Johnson says on the Andrew Marr show this mornig, Parris is right.

Any government which reinforces defeat is negligent, we will have to talk to the terrorist, or freedom fighter if you live in an occupied country. Afghanistan can be controlled by Reaper and Predator, drones to you, we can sit in bases for as long as we like, it is like the wagon train, and forming a circle, slowly very slowly you may be able to expand the circle, but it will take years. It will be a long journey and actually the journey may not take you to the promised land, but the journey may be very interesting. Tell the truth politicians, you may learn something whilst on holiday. have a good break.

Finally for this posting thought your full interview aired late last night was exceptional. Hutton is a disgrace, well for me he is, others may or may not agree, but this wholeparliament must be sent to the waste to energy plant!

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