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Helicopter Crash

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I know that this is off subject as far as wind farms go but there are now reports that a Russian built Mi-8 transport helicopter has come down in Afghanistan. Now with the current furore over our lack of helicopters and the 'pooling' of equipment I sincerely hope that before any of our soldiers get into pooled helicopters that they are fully checked and correspond to our levels of competence beofre use.

This is also relevant with regard to who actually gives the orders on any joint operations. I hope that our boys are not being put at risk because soldiers from other countries are unwilling or unable to participate in some actions whereas the officers of those countries can give, and must have accepted orders given to our soldiers. This is one of the problems with a European or NATO army, who gives the orders, under whose laws, and what rights do soldiers have to refuse orders because they do not conform to the laws of their country.

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