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The War of Jenkins Ear

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with regard to the situation of our army in Afghanistan I really don't remember any actual declaration of war, so can somebody tell me are we actually at war, or are we there by invitation. If we are there by invitation then can we see the terms and conditions of the invite, was it RSVP, and did we actually reply.

There should be a Memorandum of Understanding about what can be done, who is responsible, who can give and take orders, who pays etc...this document would surely clarify the issues.

As for the war and the reasons I have been reminded of the Fools and Horses sketch where Trigger says of a broom 'I have had this broom for eighteen years, it has had three handles, and six new heads, but it is as good as new'. The link is surely obvious, what is the purpose of the war, why are we there, is it another 'War of Jenkins Ear'?

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