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They were expendable

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Very good spot. However, I still think that the election will be held in October, I can't believe that we can have a Queens speech with this lot in parliament.

There is a problem though and that is I watched a programme on ITV last night about some event which takes place in Windsor, which the Queen attends. Now my problem is this. We are told that the public finances are ina dire state, that we can't afford all the equipment required by our brave soldiers. Yet it would seem we can afford fine breast plates, ruritanian type uniforms, and what is it with the horses. Can we seriously afford all this stuff. When the soldiers parade through the towns and cities they seem to be in their battle fatigues, what about cutting back on all the finery. Same with all the robes and ermine in the Lords, let's get rid of all of it, nothing at all wrong with a simple suit and tie, we are no longer a world power, let's stop looking so ridiculous, it is all about power. All the Lord Mayors, why the regalia, get rid of it all. Let's live within our means. Same with the aircraft carriers, it is not about using them, it is about building them, jobs, we acn't afford them, same with Trident. we are bust and the sooner we admit it the better. Do you seriously think that they will send out aircraft carriers without Frigates, remember the film 'They were expendable'.

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