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I have to say 'click, click' sorry I thought the line went dead there for a minute, but I am truly sorry about some of the things I have said on the various blogs over the last few years. It is because of 'no listen do not interrupt this is important' that people like Mcbride have had to dirty their hands with regard to repudiating some of the appalling stuff I have said. Brown does pick his nose, no this is serious please do not interrupt me, and eat it. There was the evidence on some of the internet sites but they must have been doctored. Furthermore, he is not, contrary to earlier postings, an aspidistra, that was a serious mistake on my part and it beciase of comments like that that McBride had to resort to his e-mails.

No I am shamed, as for the fact that certain individuals have had High Court injunctions taken out preventing them from speaking freely in public, in this I must be wrong. You see on sunday i watched the Andrew Marr show and there was a soldier and he was speaking very freely, about the book he has writte. Now how can this be, he seemed to support the war in Afghanistan, and asserted I think that we could win, and that we must not leave. Could it be that the government will allow people to speak as long as they toe the party line.

I am sorry for the pain I have caused to Brown, it must really hurt him. as for me being cynical about his wife well I am wrong on that front to, she does a wonderful job for charity and is beyond repraoch. In fact she is so good that Gordon ought to stand down with immediate effect, and be replaced, without a vote, by his wonderful wife, Sarah.

so McBride, i can only hope that you will be able to return to the civil service, a view you espoused this morning, to continue in your taxpayer funded career.

Now then where was I, oh yes about that Mr de Menezes, Dr David Kelly, Mr Tomlinson, the retreat from Iraq, the extra-ordinary rendition, the enhanced interrogation techniques, water boarding etc...the retired general who now works for a company supplying contractors, the funding of an illegal war, oops sorry my time is nearly up, must go, got to leave the library before I catch that Swine Flu.   

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