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God and the Devil

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the same action that takes place against all those who commit crimes against humanity. They should be tried in the Hague and if found guilty then a spell in prison. Why do you think that George Bush does not seem to travel outside his America, they are terrified that somebody may well arrest him. I think that Blair ought to have done more to rpevent the executions in Iraq, they breach international law, and any government which supports capital punishment should be a member of the United Nations, nor the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). What on earth by the way have so many countries got to do with NATO, I mean seriously!

As for Blair, well as we know he converted to catholicism more or less as soon as he left parliament, so I think he will find that his punishment will last longer and be more terrible than even he can contemplate. If anybody believes in God and heaven then surely they must also believe in the Devil and hell. Is that not one of the strange aspects of society today, we hear so much about God but not quite so much about the other side of the coin.

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