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Off on holiday

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I'm sorry but I think that your blog has come to the end of the season. I feel an insurgency what with the effective closure of the Nick Robinson Blog. I notice a distinct change of style and accordingly as your various programmes are off the air for the summer recession, sorry recess, a recess which is definitely not a holiday by the way, then I think that I too will take a break.

Brown has not found a way of communicating the deaths of the soldiers in Afghanistan, which is just as I thought, the man actually seems to have disapperared to be replaced by a First Secretary, who now seems to be running the country. What I want to know for example, is the MG Rover inquiry. Decisions are about to be made over the rump of GM, or Government Motors, sorry General Motors, so we should know about the results of that inquiry. Unfortunately there is some other investigation now taking place about criminal charges etc... so the report is now in the long grass!

As for helicopters in Afghanistan well I'm sorry but that is not the point. It is about who invited us in, how do we get out. I would love to be a fly on the wall when Malaki of Iraq meets Obama, they will talk about the retreat of American and British forces, and Obama will see if the lessons can be applied to Afghanistan. America has lost in Iraq, they will lose in Afghanistan, and Obama must start preparing the American people for their retreat, which must happen before the next Presidential election.

So, I am afraid Andrew I am leaving for a while. You might as well close for holiday yourself because you will have to deal with your own insurgency, have a good summer and I look forward to your return when the party political season gets under way. No point in flogging a dead horse, no Prime Minister, no agenda. Enjoy the game whilst I'm away.

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