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you are behind us over there I believe so you will wake up to the results of the Norwich bye (bye Gordon) election.

Let me say that I hope that you are able to catch up with the Today programme this morning because the final item was most interesting. Apparently a retired soldier, formerly something to do with 3 Para by the name of Tootal, has written a book and had it published with regard to operations on Afghanistan.

Now the gist of what he was saying is that the soldiers in Afghanistan are fantastic, and that they are doing a great job, and that they understand their mission, that it is about our security. So he is attempting to justify the continued occupation of Afghanistan. Now remember please that we have actually been in Afghnaistan since 2001, yes all those years ago. So what have our brave soldiers been doing since then, when I understand we should have been training the Afghan army so that they can do their own protection. Why, they invaded and occupied Iraq. A disastrous period, which Blair got us in to and Brown funded.

Anybody who collaborates with the occupying forces in Afghanistan will be executed as soon as their protectors (us) leave so we will be there well forever actually on that basis. Now then after WWI Germany became a failed state, everything however had been getting better until the depression and Hitler. What was the justification for Hitler, the injustice of the Treaty of Versaille, and he was able to justify all of his actions on the flaws in that Treaty. Keynes had even written a book 'How to pay for the war' which Brown should read because we can't afford the war in Afghanistan. We can't afford to waste money training the Afghan soldiers and police, we can't afford to lose the equipment, but Brown can afford to lose the soldiers because they are expendable, a few words that is all it costs Brown.

Now I don't wish that this should happen but consider what will happen if Brown, or Cameron should lose a child to Swine Flu, oh then there will be action all right, they don't really care, the politicians, not until it effects one of their own. Brown should remember that when he talks about the bravery of our soldiers they are not his sons being blown to bits, the same with our use of drones, these are innocent women and children who are dying, they may be related to war lords but they are not the guilty ones.

Brown, and now Obama have the blood of innocents on their hands. Blair was guilty, Bush was guilty, now Obama is guilty, as is Brown, and these men go around the world with their meetings and conferences, and shake the hands and laugh with Berlosconi, the man who the Queen correctly said exactly what many of us think, yet he is favoured by our politcians, disgraceful.

President Obama is in trouble already, the depression will get worse, that even in the thirties a lot of people did very well out of the financial crash. Apparently at some time in the past Harding was president and Hoover was, well Herbert Hoover. So Harding asked Hoover 'if you knew of a great scandal in our administration, would you for the good of the country and the party expose it publicly or would you bury it?' Hoover replied 'publish it and at least get credit for integrity on your side'.

Now then can I give advice to Gordon Brown, you are caught in a trap, I think that you would chose a good day day to bury bad news, you dare not let the truth come out. I sincerely hope that as you come to the end of your life you are haunted by what you have done, the countless thousands whose blood is on your hands. Enjoy your holiday with your family Brown, there are families throughout the world who will have no holidays, who will be grieving for their loved ones. It is the war Brown, the bloody war, and don't you ever forget it. We should never have gone into Iraq, it was not right then and it is not right now to be in Afghanistan.

Tootal says that soldiers now understand what it is to fight for Queen and country. The soldiers follow orders, only trouble is that in Iraq the orders were illegal, it was an illegal war, end our occupation, bring the troops out, and let the Afghans sort out their problems themselves. Oh that's right they would all seek asylum in this country, no wonder we have to keep killing them over there.

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