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One day at a time

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Could not find a way of bringing all the various forms of execution in to the comment.

However, really weird but because the weather is so bad down here in the westcountry I watched the Birdman of Alcatraz, 'one day at a time'. Is that how we should live our lives, one day at a time. Before you know it sixty years have gone past.

As for the weather I think that this is all part of a cunning government plan, they seed the clouds so that it always rains down here to try to keep the tourists away. Everything was great until the Met Office (part of the MoD) were moved down here. Maybe if they had been put in Norwich as was one of the options then labour may not have lost the seat.

As for my conspiracy theory in respect of the westcountry, please note that there was a lot of publicity and organisation to keep the whole world from coming here for the total eclipse of the sun which took place ten years ago next month. A lot of technoques were tested which have subsequently come into general use. The truth is out there. One day at a time.

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Perry Mc Daid

Ten Years !!?

Good grief, ten years ago. It only seems . .  . Never mind!