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I have a problem with regard to the equipment which we took to Iraq after the war and during the occupation. How much has actually been spent on equipment which we have left behind or handed to the Iraq forces, either police or army. I hope that as our soldiers in Afghanistan suffer from shortage of some equipment I hope sincerely that we have not spent vast sums of money on arming the Iraqi forces, and that we are now going to do the same with the Afghans. Are we arming our enemy as we did with the militais in Iraq.

Furthermore, as the Americans begin to withdraw from Iraq how are they going to achieve it without taking on huge losses from the very same IEDs which we now have encountered in Afghanistan. After all the freedom fighters do talk to each other.

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What a pile of tosh.  You should not be concerned with all that stuff you are droning on about, but with the fact the our boys are dying and very badly.  You need to get some perspective in you life.

Furthermore I am sick and tired with people like you complaining about the academics of the conflict when you have absolutely no idea, i hope you are not studying the subject because my advice would be change and study some thing more like GCSE's.

Gary Steel