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the first thing which the British government did after WWI was to disarm the returning soldiers. They saw the revolutions in Russia and Germany as well as other states and were terrified by the armies which knew that they had been nothing other than cannon fodder, and that some people at home at got very rich on the back of the war.

So, first disarmament and then the other method of control, the Royal British Legion. The soldiers should have shouted from the rooftops what had been allowed to happen. For example take the Army List which I have been studying. Why is that during WWI they listed the names and ranks of all those soldeirs who had een killed. Only yrouble is that they never went below the rank of Second Lieutenant. Where is Gordon Brown reading out all the names of the dead, where is he, oh that's right he deserves a holiday with his family. Only trouble is that the loved ones of the soldiers who have been sent to their deaths by the politicians won't be having much of a holiday. They dare not even spend some of their compensation for fear that the wonderful MoD will at some time say that you have been overpaid and we want our money back.

I think that there is a certain amount of jealousy at the MoD, where many retired officers now work, because the squaddies seem to be getting compensation which is denied to the officers. Officers after all are not meant to suffer from PTSD because they are made of sterner stuff!

May I suggest that people look at what happened in America after the Great War with regard to their veterans, where there was massive fraud.  

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