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just listened to Radio 5 Live and the retired General Sir Mike Jackson who complained that he had been refused compensation for ear damage. In the meantime would the good General like to tell us how much he actually receives in pension from his service to the country, and furthermore, does he or does he not work as a director/adviser to a company which supplies contractors in war zones. Just a simple question which I do not expect an answer to.

There are cases where soldiers leave the army, join the contracting firms , then get injured and though the MoD is the commissioning agency, there is no liability to provide compensation. I notice that yet again Jackson refers to a review, why must we always wait until a review, again one which will not convene until so close to the general election which must be held by June next year! Mustn't it?

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Perry Mc Daid

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At this point, i have to ask - Are you the rep for the forces or something? On and on and on. Yes, people are dying needlessly because of greed, stupidity, and political ostentation. I would think that anyone with access to this blog has the intellect to realise this; or if they didn't they must certainly know by now, after KB if not mB of your soliloquys. I agree with a lot of what you say, but, man, give it a rest! There are forums for this sort of political diatribe. They're called media or The Commons.