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the Iraqi government has not renewed the agreement for British troops to remain in Iraq, so we have been thrown out. This is shameful. we now know that all those lives and injuries have been a complete and utter, total waste of time. So much for leaving with honour.

We have been involved in extra-ordinary rendition; we have been involved in enhanced interrogation techniques; we have been involved in what many regard as being an illegal war, our occupation has been a disaster and now this.

Brown promised an inquiry as soon as the our soldiers have left. Well now they are all gone. The inquiry must start immediately, the lessons must be learnt now, before more of our men and women are lost in Afghanistan. The same will happen, we will leave with our tails between our legs. When is the parade for the Iraq boys going to be held Brown, surely that has not slipped your memory.

I do have a petition on the Number 10 web site deamnding an Iraq inquiry and now an Afghanistan inquiry. There are 34 people who have signed for the Iraq inquiry and so far one other for Afghanistan. I think that both will grow the more the truth of our abject failure in both theatres becomes apparent. Harry Patch was right 'war is murder'.

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you are so right

Yes war is murder! my father was in the second world war royal tank regiment the eighth army . he died when I was two because of war nerves shot to death no help then as now my thoughts are with you  celia lebbon


First the Iraqi government have not got the right to throw us out, we chose to leave and it was our right stop there as long as we wished as we were the invading force, to dumb it down for you, meaning if we so chose we could go back tomorrow we could with no problem what so ever, we left for political reason!

Second the British have never admitted nor been proven to have any hand in extraordinary rendition, the Americans have admitted it and have used our bases around the world, BUT WE HAVE NEVER BEEN PROVEN OR EVEN HAD A HAND IT THIS TYPE OF INHUMAN TREATMENT. I would request that you get your facts right before writing this like this on a blog site that is read by impressionable people.

While I think the war is perhaps floored, I still support it because our troops are dying and being maimed, you are, in my opinion, a very unpatriotic and traitorous man.  Ever time people like you call in to question our being in Iraq and Afghanistan you degrade the memories of the people who died serving this county and who are giving fundamental freedoms and protection to you, they are putting their live on the line for ungrateful hypocrites who just seem to have a vendetta against 'New Labour.

Gary Steel

Perry Mc Daid

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