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Assisted Suicide

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we must never accept that the 'right' to a dignified death should be the preserve of the rich and well connected. Parliament must pass a law which allows an organisation like dignitas to operate here. If we are not to prosecute people who take their loved ones overseas to participate in assisted suicide then we must not be typically hypocritical and ban assisted suicide in our own country. There must never be a situation where the law treats the rich and famous differently to the common poor.
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As a law student, we are taught that the law is non-discriminatory, and through the study and indeed the reading of cases and judgments that is the case.  It is beyond me how you can say that the law favours the rich, when a wealthy man has been arrested on attempted murder, a young boy was stabbed by him, it was in last week newspaper. 

One of the first thing you are learnt when you study law is never say anything if you cannot back it up with evidence and you have no strong evidence to state any of the thing you write in your blogs, I would like it very much if you commented and told me you opinion of what I have said, as you seem like a silent manipulator.

To conclude you are wrong again!!

Gary Steel

Perry Mc Daid

upon rights

Life is not a right, but a privilige, a ward for us to care for, rather than a gift. It is not ours to dispose of as we please, just because of pain or loss of dignity. Life is pain, and how dignified are the people who die of starvation in the third world? Yet they grasp life with every ounce of their strength, and revel in the tiny moments of joy they share with their families - yet we dub ourselves "civilisation". We should be ashamed to argue for death. Argue for life instead. That's a lesson we were TAUGHT some time ago, not learnt.