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A new constitution

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I am becoming more convinced that there really ought to be a consolidated written constitution which gets rid of the 'subject' problem. I want to be a citizen, I demand an elected second chamber, I demand the total abolotion of the House of Lords. I am afraid that the Monarchy does not exist any more, the soldiers should not swear allegiance to the Queen, or future King, as for the Princes, and Princesses, please. Where are William and Harry?

We should have an elected Prime Minister, and Vice Prime Minister, call him a President because that is what the PM is in all but name. We must  have a fixed term parliament and the 'President' must be allowed to appoint individuals who must be scrutinised. In fact the more I think about it the first American Civil War which resulted in the throwing out of the English should be repeated here. It need not be a bloody revolution, but there must be cahnge, this cannot go on as it is. Our soldiers are dying in Afghanistan to bring people democracy, but it will not be based on the English model, it will be based on the American model, it is time that our soldiers return to a home fit for heroes, not be treated as cannon fodder, or IED fodder, which does not have the same ring to it but means exactly the same. It is time to refuse orders, it is time to abolish the Official secrets Act, and 'D' notices. As Harry would say 'we do bad things to bad people' well harry the bad people are nearer to home than you think. 

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