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I was watching and listening to Ms Harman on the Andrew marr Show and noted that it would appear from what she is saying that the politicians should not get involved in the decisions of the courts. In the case of extradition that is the courts, in the case of euthanasia, that is the Crown Prosecution Service, in the case of abortion, free vote by MPs, in the case of hanging free vote by MPs. My point, why exactly have we got a government at all. The economy, world economoic crisis, so nothing to do with me guv. Swine flu, that's global pandemic. People getting old, that's to do with the demographic time bomb going nuclear, global proble. Afghanistan, of that's NATO.

I think you get my drift, so Ms Harman or Lord Mandelson, whoever is running the country can we be told exactly what is the point of having any ministers, especially the wonderful Ministry of Defence, it really ought to be renamed, return to the days of the Ministry of War, cause that what they do, wage war, or actually maybe a better one might be the Ministry of Occupation, cause that's what we do, occupy places.

Just listening to the priest who gave the Blairs Mass in Downing Street, don't mention the war, we don't do war, just like we don't do God.

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