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I listened to the government person on the Radio 4 Today programme this morning, Phil Woolass I think, when he was being interviewed. What I noticed was the new way he was stressing two words in particular, one citizenship, and the other migration. Now I am not a citizen, nobody in this country is a citizen, we are subjects of the Queen, until the government changes the law then I am a subject. Soldiers take an oath of allegiance to the Queen, or King, and MPs also take an oath when they enter parliament, unless of course they cross their fingers, or they do not treat the oath seriously, that could be one of their problems, I think that many MPs are actually amoral, in respect of their behaviour.

Again the use of the emotive term immigrant will now be replaced by migrant. We all migrate, Brown is a migrant, he is Scottish yet he now operates mainly in England, he is a migrant, much less of an emotive term. I am a migrant I moved from Plymouth to Exeter via many other places, I migrate for various reasons, but I am not an immigrant. As for the patriotic argument, I am sorry but is that not the last bolt hole of traitor.


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