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Cash for Clunkers

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and how are things in the good old US of A, now that they have forgotten all about extra-ordinary rendition and enhanced interrogation techniques how is that car scrappage scheme going. I've heard through my grapevine that all is not well with the 'Cash for Clunkers' scheme where the money has nearly already gone. Probably those bankers have been waiting for the scheme before getting cars on the cheap.

Over here of course we have had 'cash for honours', we have had 'cash for loans' and 'cash for MP expenses', I do prefer the term 'Cash for Clunkers'  which can be applied to anything and everything. The new cry on the street, 'Cash for Clunkers'.

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I have comment on you crap before, but you never seem to rely, is it because you are not as confident as you like to come across??

Reply I dear you!!!!

Gary Steel