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The Clunking Fist

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hope that all is well over there. It is still raining down here in wet and horrible Exeter, the home of the brilliant forecasters the Met Office, sorry Ministry of Defence weather forecasting station. The Met Office seem to be as good at forecasting the weather as the MoD seem to be at giving a time line for getting us out of Afghanistan.

I still think that there should be an urgent inquiry into our situation in Afghanistan, in particular how is that we have apparently been there since 2001, and have trained tens of thousands of police and soldiers yet where exactly are they.

I am glad that Gordon is having a good holiday, no soldiers deaths to read out every wednesday, I wonder if he will make up for it in October when the parliamentary recess comes to an end. I think that he really should announce to the nation how the Northern Rock have managed to make such massive losses, you know which we own, and the staff are brilliant, and have been working very hard, and everything in the North east is fantastic, salt of the earth etc...now why exactly are we going to be building two massive aircraft carriers. If you think about the helicopters which are not fit for purpose so will only be able operste on certain missions and in certain weather conditions, then will we not also have to construct a fleet to escort the aircraft carriers, the building of which will of course get jobs.

Now was it not Blair who talked about the clunking fist of Gordon Brown, well that is why we have 'Cash for Clunkers'. 

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