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I have a problem which I hope some of your commenteers might just be able to help me with. Now back in March April 2006 we had that prince of the realm, Harry 'we do bad things to bad people', on our screens saying that he wanted to be with his men on the front line (in Iraq) and that if he didn't go with them then he felt he would be letting them down and that he would have to leave the army or say refuse a posting to Germany (I paraphrase). Now I think that his comments were tantamount to refusing orders and therefore he should have been courts martialled.

What happens? he was sent to Afghanistan, in secret with the collusion of the British media where he is shown calling up an air strike on a computer and we see the result of the attack. We also see him with a heavy machine gun and walking through towns well surrounded by other personnel, the towns having probably been well swept for IEDs. So, where is Harry now, where is prince William now. That's right training on helicopters, why aren't the 'choppers on the front line where they are needed. I will never forget William (Bill to his military friends like the heroes in WWI were Bill, or Bert, good honest English name) taking time out from his training to get to his girl friend for a week-end away.

I find it hilarious the way in which William and harry can just disapear for months on end. What exactly is the point on training them, they will do nothing, the front is now much too dangerous for Harry, it was possibly due to his presence that the occupation has escalated to the extent which it has.

Afghanistan is a disaster, it is time to withdraw, what exactly have we been doing since 2001 when we had some sort of moral authority to be there, but now, I'm sorry we have lost, time to retreat and to leave the collaborators to their fate. What exactly has happened to the police and soldiers which we are meant to have trained. Just like we have abjectly failed to protect those ineterpretors who are in severe danger in Iraq because we have just dumped them. Worst of all though I hope that massive sums of money have not been squandered on equipment which we have just handed over to the Iraqis, whilst our soldiers continue to suffer from lack of equipment.

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Perry Mc Daid

An addendum?

Quite agree, but not surprised. What is more shocking is that two boys who loved their mother have been brainwashed into delivering the same destructive forces upon nations which their mother deplored and actively renounced with her good works in recovering cluster mines. Or perhaps it is believed that such ordinance are no longer in use?