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Good Morning Andrew,

Please let me quote from Kipling:

If your officer's dead and the sergeants look white,
Remember it's ruin to run from a fight:
So take open order, lie down, and sit tight,
And wait for supports like a soldier.
Wait, wait, wait like a soldier . . .

When you're wounded and left on Afghanistan's plains,
And the women come out to cut up what remains,
Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains
An' go to your Gawd like a soldier.

Please note that a cable was allegedly sent by the British envoy in Afghanistan to his French counterpart on 2nd September 2008 where it was said 'the presence of the coalition, in particular its military presence, is part of the problem, not part of its solution'. Foreign forces are the lifeline of a regime that would rapidly collapse without them. As such they slow down and complicate a possible emergence from a crisis'.

I think that the only realistic way to 'unite' Afghanistan is to put in place a dictator, a benign one if you like, and we must prepare public opinion for such an outcome.

We all know that America will never go to the next presidential election whilst such a large numbers of Americans are fighting in occupied Afghanistan. This is not a war, it is an occupation, to think otherwise is stupid, anybody who helps us is seen as a collaborator, just like the French punished their collaborators after the German occupation, no difference whatsoever.

It is time to support the soldiers by demanding our immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan, that is how we can support them. Stop pulling the patriot card, the defeatist card, the three card trick. Look for yourselves as to how many of our soldiers died in the first three years after 2001, until we made the disastrous decision to invade and occupy Iraq. We have lost in Iraq, we were defeated and we retreated, we committed crimes in Iraq, we cannot repeat the same mistake. We must announce our withdrawal. It is time for the Afghans to fight their own battles.

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Perry Mc Daid

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Armies only win battles, attrition wins wars, and no people areever defeated or saved, nor ideology ever vanquished until His judgement. Time arrogance was put aside in favour of faith. The USSR was how many times larger than US and UK put together, and they couldn't quash the Mujahadin. Giving them another name which is supposed to sound more sinister doesn't make them any less formidable. The English should know how strong a people's resolve can be: they have been on both sides of the trenches, fought, died and then shook off the trauma to pick up their old ideas like treasured  trinkets from a blitz to take up where they left off. Evolution? Faugh!