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I have just been watching the twelve o'clock Channel 4 news. There was a reprt from Afghanistan and a colonel or other high ranking officer was talking to the tribal leaders. In his conversation he started by saying something along the lines of 'We have been sent here on the orders of Her majesty Queen Elizabeth II' etc...and I would assert that this is not the case. It may be according to army rules and regulations, they sign up to serve Queen and Country but please, to say to these people that they are there on the orders of the Queen is a complete untruth.

The Queen may well have signed the orders but we should be told by the Prime Minister Gordon Brown that our soldiers are in Afghanistan on the orders of the Queen and that accordingly he has nothing at all to do with it. The Queen should come on to our screens and say how much she regrets sending our soldiers to their deaths, are they there on her orders or not.

I think that our soldiers are in Afghanistan on American orders, that we are fighting and dying for somebody else, and that our soldiers must be brought home, now. They are fighting and dying for a corrupt regime which does not have the support of the local people, they are no more freer to vote than we have ever voted in England for Gordon Brown to be our Prime Minister, and we have never voted for the Queen either. What a totally false democracy we are, how on earth can we bring democracy to Afghanistan when we don't have a democracy.

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