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if the Libyan convicted terrorist is not dead withing three months will Scotland send over a hit squad to assassinate him. I wonder if Gordon Brown, our Prime Minister, would like to tell us what compassion and mercy he and his government are showing to the Afghanistan people who are being killed in large numbers, how do I know if they are Taliban, by our soldiers. they must be dying we have discharged over 3 million bullets and some of them must hit somebody. Also would Gordon like to explain the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter as I always thought that we were the occpiers in Aghanistan. What will he say if Karzai comes on to our screens tomorrow demanding the withdrawal of our soldiers. We are there by invitation, allegedly.

Finally, I have seen no comment on the British officer saying to local tribal leaders that the army was there on the orders of thge Queen, why not tell the truth. we are in your country to stop you coming over here and blowing us all up with your IEDs. 

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