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I have to ask what exactly is the point in the United Kingdom continuing. The people I have heard interviewed in respect of the release of the Libyan terrorist seem to think that it is Britain which has released this man. It is not, it is Scotland, they are compassionate and merciful. I will assert that in England we would not be so compassionate and merciful, and accordingly I want my freedom from Scotland. This is the end of the UK as far as I am concerned, send all Scottish prisoners held in English gaols back to Scotland. I want an English parliament, with an elected second chamber, and the end of all Scottish rpresentation in England. If any of them want to govern us then they must be elected to an English seat. I am angry at this, but most of all I am angry with the appalling person who seems more concerned with events in Afghanistan than what goes on in our country. Where is Brown, gone away from the flak as usual. Shame on him, this really is not good enough.
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Perry Mc Daid

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Oh come one, we all know Brown was left in a pile by Blair who wanted to be best friends with Bush Jr, who in turn wanted to impress his daddy by finishing off big bad Saddham, once Iraq had complied with sanctions and had to put up cardboard cut-outs of tanks, because they had very few real ones left. Hold on, the Iranian PM is giving us the finger, let's attack ... um ... Bora Bora.