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Does the Devil exist

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listened to Milliband on the Radio 4 Today programme this morning. In respect of the release of the convicted Libyan terrorist I think that it is absolutely shameful by our Foreign Secreatary to use what I can only refer to as weasal words.

There seriously must be an election before the Queens speech because I think personally that if it was me I would wretch with igdignation if I had to utter those now conemptiable words 'my government will...' in respect of this shamed parliament. Brown will refer to Afghanistan but on this most important issue of the release of the convicted Libyan terrorist, not a peep, he is still the Prime Minister, yes he is!

I would also like to hear from Lord Mandelson what, if any, conversations he had with the son of Colonel Gaddafi whilst they were together in the Rothschilds holiday home on Corfu. A simple question for Mandelson, did he or did not have any conversations with the son of Colonel Gaddafi whilst on his recent trip to Corfu. I know that there will be no answer given to any such question but what this heinous government cannot do is to stop me thinking what I think, I know, there is no evidence, but then again there is not a lot of evidence that there is a God, in fact there is more evidence that there is a devil, a malevolent, evil being, because the evidence is all around that such a being exists.

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just discovered your great blog

Re: no evidence of a god

What a great blog, only just discovered it and reading your comments about psychology, and understanding human societies and behavour I totally agree, you've made some excellent points, not least about bring troops home. I went on anti war marches before our troops were deployed (I quit then outa respect) and no matter how much against these new waves of colonisation I am, and it all made me think I now know how some of Germans must have felt etc etc WW2, because although majority agreed with Hitler, according to votes, not all did, and I feel ashamed. I don't believe our troops need to because it's not their job to be political just obey orders. Enormous respect to your son, and all those snr forces men of integrity that have been speaking out for many years now. Wasn't it Gen. Sir Mike Rose that called for Blair's impeachment way back in '06? RAF and Navy seem to have given up but still the generals seem to battle in more ways than one, or so it seems in my humble opinion.

The strange ironic thing when I went on my first anti war march was 5 services personnel phoned me worried about me to check I was ok, but no civilian friends! I can tell you something about that day that I can only ask you to accept as total fact. I can't prove it, there's no source, only me and a nasty memory I will never forget. My work at that time would have been adversely effected had I been arrested. ( I knew nothing of these marches, but knew that was possible) so to be on safe side because I didn't want to be portayed as some left wing militant I wore a business suit, and as mentioned was alone. The muslim females shouting for freedom of Palestine ( stop the war campaign members) were very friendly towards me, noticing me alone, kept me company. Then when I noticed older pensioners group were getting tired carrying their enormous banner, I went to help them out. When we got to Hyde Park, I walked quite quickly around stands (less than 5 minutes) but not convinced that many of these didn't have other political agendas (who knows?) I decided as i'd done my bit to go home ie I didn't want these conflicts in 'my' name and wanted to be counted as anti invasions. So far only thing I was far from content about was fact the police had split the march into two groups. So obviously when press filmed event and people on streets of London saw it, with each group going on different routes we looked half as many as we were. Anyway I set off home, which wasn't far as I was living 10/12 mins walk max from Park. I looked for a bin to put my small banner in, it had done it's job, but as I was aware since IRA bombings bins are few and far between in central London, so no bin. So set off back to my flat in W1 carrying my small banner pointed at the ground. I cut up small rd basically that led into Grosvenor Square (The route I often walked to and from Park) As I hit Grosvenor Square, I could see a big police van, with doors open, and before I knew it I was literally surrounded by what seemed to me by very large male policemen. One put his face right in mine. (the way i've seen guys do when they're being extremely confrontational and gunning for a fight) To say I was scared is an understatement, there was nobody else around, streets were empty. Marchers had still been arriving in park when I left as I was near the front. Most of locals in that area head for country at w/ends. Anyway they demanded 'not asked' to know where I was going. I told them 'home' They demanded ''why are you walking up here and where did I live'' I told them, that was my way home, and told  them (basically 5 mins walk away) ''Not with that (meaning my small banner, you're not, and not wearing those (The muslim women i'd been marching with had put a couple of 'free palestine' badges on my lapel) put them in the gutter now'' I was so scared Terence, looking at open doors of their meat wagon do they call them? But proud to this day, I just said i'll go another way politely and walked quickly back in direction i'd come in for much longer walk home. I paid council tax for those streets, I thought they were mine, and I was free woman to wear which badges I chose in my own city.

Anyway I will return to read more of your blogs over hols but your words about belief in god reminded me of these lyrics by ENIGMA.... The track is called Rivers of Belief, and i'm sure you can find it on you tube.

''If you believe in light, it's because of obscurity
If you believe in joy, it's because of sadness
And if you believe in God, it's because of the devil
Take me back to the rivers of belief
Take me back to the rivers of belief, my friend
I look inside my heart, I look inside my soul
I promise you I will return

And when the Lamb opened the seventh seal, silence covered the sky ''

Apologies in advance if I am not supposed to post lyrics, i'm afraid this is my first course with OU, and still learning what's ok and what isn't.