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the freeing by the SNP Justice Minister of the convicted Libyan terrorist is a side show. Please will people concentrate on what has happened in Afghanistan over the election.

It is accepted by everybody that the election is seriously flawed. Now we are getting the spin that actually the result does not matter, it is the fact that elections were actually held. That will be the epitaph to the military career of Dannatt, you managed to save Brown and parliament because an election has been held. The loss of life, on both sides, in the occupation was worth it. I want to see the memoranda of understanding which exists between Afghanistan and the occpying forces.

I know that this may be a bit left field for some of you but the Harlequins affair is proof to me that people will do illegal 'stuff' if they are told to, they will cheat, on the basis that they are following orders. To some the ends will always justify the means, whereas others think that we are a means to an end.

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