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Interest Rates

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Some accountants are saying interest rates must not rise. I trust no accountants when I consider that the banks and financial institutions were able to 'get away' with ruining the economy. Who signed off  the banks accounts, who were the consultants who advised the banks as to 'invest' in instruments which proved to be valueless.

Of course interest rates must rise, but because of the politics it will have to be held until on, or near the budget. They should be 2%, with the rates of inflation we are all suffering. They should have been raised last year, and as for Queantitaive Easing, this 'wall of money' is the worst decision ever made by any governor, and the policy continued by the government of national unity is a disgarce, this is the economics of the mad house.

I told you some time ago that things were going to be bad, but I don't fall for the 'saying I told you so is not an economic policy'. I not only told you so, I tell you now, interest rates must rise.

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