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Everybody seems to moan about my contributions...and then everybody goes silent...so I say come on say what you think...and you will be part of a discussion...like at a 'proper' module...at a University...this is not about one individual...it is about a diversity of views...you can express a viewpoint on here...it is about 'arguing'...in a positive way...the best piece for me for FF is the section on 'A Man must Act'...primarily about banking and finance...see how it relates to what is happening today...printing money to bale out the bankers...they should have gone bankrupt...and the period we are studying with FF would show that the 'punishment' for bankruptcy was gaol...by the way great demo going on in London on Saturday with regard to the Two Afghan Wars...some things never change...TAG
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MA History

Hi Terry. I came across your profile while doing a search for A825, which I am starting this September. What a fascinating blog you keep!

Would you have any advice about the MA History? I have the two books recommended ("Local History: A Handbook for Beginners" and "Family Fortunes: Men and Women of the English Middle Class 1780-1850") and am working through them.

Anything else you suggest? I officially start in September but would like to, if possible, make a start on the work or at least get in touch with the tutor. (I am a schoolteacher so school holidays are the best time for getting work done! Any pointers would be much appreciated!
